Provides program and information in a non-partisan neutral forum in an effort to advance consumer product safety among all stakeholders on a global basis to promote safer consumer products around the world.
Annual Training Meetings
- Four-day Annual Symposium, in February
- One-day North America Training Workshop in a different city, often hosted by an ICPHSO member in North America in June.
- Two-day International Symposium in October/November in a different international location each year. Every second year we meet in Brussels, Belgium, and participate in the European Commission’s International Product Safety Week Activities.
- Power Hour follow-up discussions post-conference to explore additional issues related to various sessions presented during our conferences. Topics have included: Product Safety Compliance Careers; Supply Chain Issues
Career Center
Provide an online job posting and listing service for product safety and health professionals. Members receive additional discounts for posting available jobs. No cost for job seekers to use the career center
Sponsorship and Exhibitor Services
Provides opportunities for stakeholders to give information about services and goods that are beneficial to members and stakeholders attending ICPHSO events
Scholarship Program
ICPHSO provides the sole international forum for consumer product safety. Therefore, making sure that all stakeholders can participate regardless of their resources is an important goal that furthers the richness and breadth of our meetings. ICPHSO is proud to offer scholarships to our meetings for those who would not otherwise be able to attend.
Mentorship Program
Kicked off an inaugural class of ten students from different Universities and colleges, paired with ICPHSO mentors in the product safety community. Mentorship was undertaken in an effort to further broaden the reach of the product safety community and to replenish membership with
new product safety professionals. This program is ongoing.